Sunday, May 17, 2009

Ecuador, here I come!

So a lot has happened since my last post. I went to international night on April 6. There I spoke in front of the entire Rotary Club, and met the other students going abroad next year. It was a very exciting night and I met a lot of new friends. It's amazing how sharing an experience like this really brings people together. I also got to thank all the people who have given me this amazing oppurtunity, and show to them how greatful I truely am. After the dinner we did not hear much about the exchange.
Then, last weekend I recieved an email from my host family. I was so excited to finally learn where in Ecuador I will be living. The answer: Loja, Ecuador. It is a small city right near the border of Peru. It is home to 180,000 people and is one of the oldest and cleanest cities in Ecuador. My host mother's name is Lily (pediatrician), and the host father's name is Diego (surgeon). They have three sons, Diego 17 (going to Switzerland), Andres 16, and Daniel 13. I will be attending Liceo de Loja which is said to be one of the nicest schools in Loja. The family seems extremely nice, and the city sounds like one of the most amazing places I've ever heard of.
Summer is just around the corner, however, I'm ready for summer to be over. I just want to go to Ecuador already and try something new. I leave August 21st! Seems like so far away. I am currently applying for a Visa and also booking my flight. I'm counting down the days!