Monday, November 23, 2009

A New Chapter Begins

So this past Friday was my 17th birthday. I can't believe I am finally 17. I feel so much older it's wierd. It's also nice though because I feel like it is a new chapter in my life. I have changed a lot already on my journey here in Ecuador, but I feel as though with new age comes new wisdom and more oppurtunities. I must say I am just having the time of my life. Anyways we'll talk more about my birthday in a minute.

So last week was a very good one. It started off a bit rocky since I was still having a lot of problems with my host brothers here. I was so close to asking to switch homes because I really could not stand being around them. However, my host mother asked me to talk to my host brothers and try to work it out. So I asked Andres why he hated me and what exactly I was doing that he didn't like. It turns out we both had misconceptions and now we are okay. We talk and joke around now, and he even invites me to hang out with him. I don't need to be his best friend but it is nice to just have respect for each other. It has made the living situation so much nicer. I am really really happy that it got all worked out.

Tuesday and Wednesday we didn't have school because it was Loja's Independance day. It was so nice to be able to sleep in and just hang out. The town had a huge parade on Tuesday and all my friends marched in it. I got to watch and it was really exciting. After we all went and hung out together which was fun. There are these cookies called Amor and they are so delicious. Those are deffinitally a favorite along with Aplanchados. Two things I will probably miss the most here. Wednesday was a nice family day. No one had work so everyone just hung out together and did whatever. We had a nice lunch together and then watched movies together. I really enjoy spending time with my family now.

Thursday was a regular day at school. However, in English class we learned that we get to do a play (IN ENGLISH) for the whole city. I am so looking forward to working on it and helping with everything. It will be a new experience, but a lot of fun. We also get to do a play in Spanish for the founder of our school. So many exciting experiences that will be difficult for me, but also an adventure. On Thursday, I also spent time preparing things for my birthday. I made Muddie Buddies and also Dirt. My host parents were very nice to buy me all of the ingrediants I needed.

Friday was the big day. I stayed up all night to wait till the clock hit 12. I was so excited to finally be 17. In the morning my host parents left me a present. They already had bought me a new camera, so I was suprised and grateful for anything more. I ended up getting more aplanchados (mmmm) and new earings that were absolutely beautiful. In school my friend Pedro's mom made me a delicous chocolate cake that I got to share with all of my friends. Truely a nice treat. I also got huge cards from my best friends Ana and Valeria. It was sooo nice of them. That night a few of my friends came over to have cake and talk. I wanted to go Karaoke but that didn't work out. Not a big deal because my birthday was still wonderful. I also got a teddy bear from my counselor that is sooo cute and I am in love with. I am so lucky to have such wonderful people around me here.

This weekend we had our sports inauguration thingy. Everyone in the school was involved and we all got to take part. However, it was pouring and that kind of put a damper on things. Although after the ceramony we all went to eat and that went well because it finally began to be sunny. It ended up being a really good and fun filled day. I now can't wait to have my first basketball game. However, this weekend I also got a cold and feel awful. I didn't go to school today because I feel like death. It's never a fun thing to be sick and it totally stinks to miss school here because I miss all of my friends. However, I should be back tomorrow.

So as of right now I don't think I will get the chance to make a Thanksgiving dinner. It kind of bums me out because I love thanksgiving and I love being able to spend time with my family, but I also understand its not a tradition here. It also stinks because all the other exchange students get to have thanksgiving besides me, but that happens. There will always be next year back at home. So I'm off. The power will be going out in about 20 minutes. I really hate that, but it's life. Anyways, I'll write soon. BYE <3

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Almost Birthday Time!

So next friday will be my 17th birthday and I am so excited. I feel like I have been 16 forever, and I am sure my parents would love for me to never get any older. However, I can not wait. I am counting down the days. I plan to go out and Kareoke with all of my friends here. Which obviously will be a blast because I can do a great Cher. Although besides looking forward to completeing another year of life, I also have been doing a lot.

On Thursday people from Canada came to Loja to give out wheelchairs to adults and children who really needed them. It was so wonderful how the people did all of that. I left school early with my friend (the queen of the Loja Rotary Club) to help set up and put people in the chairs. It was extremely wonderful to be able to help them. The people from Canada could not speak any spanish, so my president asked me to take them on a tour of the city. We went around some of the places that for me really make Loja so special. For example, the town square with San Sebastion Tower and one of the churches that on the inside has tons of paintings and what not. It was nice to be able to translate for them and to also get to be around people who are so devoted to helping people who have nothing.

On Friday I helped my English teacher translate a document into English. Well she translated, I typed it. Everyday the power keeps going out and since I have a laptop I could type it for her. It was a lot easier especially since it was fourteen pages. It took us two hours, but we got it done. She needed the papers by Saturday because it is a proposal for a Women's Shelter. My English teacher already has a foundation where she looks after children in hospitals and other things, but she wants to do more. She wants to creat a place where women and children can go to learn skills to make them self dependant. It would be a home for women and children who have been beaten by their fathers or husbands. It is truely a great thing that she wants to do. If anyone is willing to help with this, or furthermore, with her foundation please contact me through e-mail. Every little bit counts.

On Friday the women from the United States also arrived in Loja. They are touring Ecuador helping in schools and bringing things for schools without much. They are doing a great deal here for the people with so little. They are staying in Ecuador for a month which is a long time to be touring. They are so devoted and so wonderful. I am truely greatful to have gotten the chance to meet them. Each of the women is so different, but also so wonderful and charming. It was also nice to finally be able to talk in English with people who remind me of my mother. They have good hearts, great personalities and love their families. It can not explain what a joy it was to see people from my country really helping the less fortunate. It makes me so proud to be an American let me tell you.

Today we went to Vilcabamba with everyone. It was a lot of fun, but also a lot of horse flies and they bit me sooo bad. I have over 27 bug bites on my legs. Not my version of lucky, but hey it happens. We had a very delicious meal. However, we ate fish and squid. Yes, I acutally ate squid and octopus! It didn't really have a taste, but still I can't believe I ate it. Still it was deffinitally a one time thing and I am looking forward to eating other food again. In a little bit I am going to Ana's house to have a sleep over with her and Valeria. They are my two best friends and it's nice to have a girls day with them. So happy.

This past week a soldier from our town and my church was killed in Iraq. His name was Ben Sherman. He was killed trying to save another soldier. He was a very bright charming and handsome young man with a baby due in March. He is a hero of our great nation and my thoughts and prayers are with his family. May he rest in peace and may his wife and unborn child live a healthy and full life. It is a sad day when a man dies, however, his family must be proud of this great man. Please pray for him and his family.

I must go now. Off to hang out with my friends. I love girls nights. Write more later.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Interesting Facts

So although Ecuador has beautiful people, and a beautiful country, it too has its' flaws. The past two weeks there has been no rain in Ecuador. This is especially rare where I live beacause we are so close to the rainforest. The country's electricity is not like ours. There electricity is hydropowered and without rain there is no electricity. Therefore, these past two weeks we haven't had enough electricity to light up the entire country. Here in Loja where we have more rain, we lose light for about 5 hours a day. They turn of lights in different parts of the cty at different times. That can be really difficult at night when you need to do homework or something. To me it's very eye opening. It also makes me appreciate all that the USA has. Of course we have an occasonal power outage, but it's always back within a few minutes or hours. Now I am just praying it rains soon.

Something else that has been going on here is public transportation. Usually, a taxi driver recieves $1.00 for a normal person and $0.20 for a student. The bus companies and taxi drivers do not like this. Today they are all on strike to raise the price for students to $0.25. The roads in the city are all closed and there are no classes. My host parents and most parents in my neighborhood are walking to work in order to protest the protesters. It is not only in my city though. It is in every city in the entire country. Which I must say is pretty admirable to be able to work together like that. I am happy however happy to be able to go back to bed right after writing this.

I also got my MCAS scores back finally. I saw my friends got theirs back and I wanted to make sure I passed. If I didn't I would have a lot of problems when I returned. It is a requirement to get above a Needs Improvement on all three subjects (Math, Science, English). Thankfully I did really well in all three subjects and I will be able to graduate on time with my class.

Now I am off to bed. I will write again soon.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Time Just keeps Flying by

So I haven't written in forever. Well it seems like it anyways. I haven't had all that much time really. It’s funny, the first few weeks you have plenty of time and then all of the sudden you have no time because you’re so busy with friends and what not.

First things first, ManabĂ­. That was a very interesting trip. The beaches, the people, the food were all wonderful. I got to see and experience very new parts of Ecuador. However, we had many problems with the people who were in charge of the trip. They were very ignorant and had no respect for us as exchange students. The chaperones seriously made the trip a lot less enjoyable than it could have been. With that being said, we got to do so much. From a Parade in Portoviejo to playing volleyball on the beach and having a ball it was so much fun. We took so many pictures and just had a blast. We had a lot of seafood, so tasty since in Plymouth we eat seafood A LOT. My friend Matthew (California) and I also won a dancing contest because we are so pro at Ecuadorian dancing. When it came time to leave it was really a bummer. However, it was really nice that when I got the chance to check my facebook, I had a million wall posts from my friends here in Ecuador saying they missed me. To me that meant a lot because it means I really do have a connection with these people.

When I got home I spent plenty of days catching up with my friends. That following Monday I was back at school. Which I didn't mind because I really enjoy school here. The teachers are wonderful and now that I can understand most things I can talk to my teachers about anything. However, we only had 4 days of school that week because Friday was some kind of Flag Ceremony for the younger kids. It was nice to be able to sleep in. Furthermore, that Saturday was Halloween! So on Friday, my two best friends Ana and Valeria came with me and watched scary movies. I love scary movies right before Halloween. We chowed down on Ecuadorian snacks such as Manicho Bars, and Kachitos. Mmmm.

So last Saturday was Halloween. My class had a huge party for all the people in our city. This weekend was also a holiday for people here in Ecuador so all the college students came home. Early in the morning all the kids in my class went to Senor Feudal to help set up for the party. It was cool that everyone was putting in so much effort for this. After we got all set up I went to Ana’s house and we got ready for the night. All the girls in Sexto were Devils, and all the guys were Angels. Such a contrast. We met early at Senor Feudal to take pictures of everyone all dressed up. That night there were around 300 people at the party. Everyone was dancing and having a really great time. I can't lie; it was the best Halloween of my life. I will never forget that night. I met some really cool new people as well.

Sunday was my host father’s birthday. We spent the next three vacation days in Vilcabamba partying with the family. For family birthdays it is a big deal. We have a huge barbeque and swim and the pool, sing and dance. I ate so much delicious food. I also watched movies with my cousins and my littlest girl cousin Sarita did my hair and makeup. It's so cute. I also got the chance to meet my other Uncle for the first time. He just returned from a three month business trip in China. He is such a great guy and I am excited I got to meet him. We also had cousins from Guayaquil come to celebrate my host father's birthday. It was nice to be able to relax and just hang out with everyone, but I missed my friends in Loja.

Wednesday and Thursday I had school this week. Nothing really special about those two days. Just went to school and went home. Although, Wednesday my alarm clock didn't go off and so I had 5 minutes to get ready and eat for school, and I forgot my key to my locker at home. It was a horrible start to the day. Although it wasn't important because my teachers understand. The teacher I first hated is now one of my favorites. She checks the schedule everyday to see if I have her class the next day. She makes me laugh and always gives me a big hug in the morning. I thought it would be weird that Latinos are so touchy feely, but honestly it has really grown on me and I find myself really enjoying how much they all care for one another. In school on Thursday we found out a teacher from our school had passed away from a brain tumor. For that reason they gave us 3 days off for mourning. For me it is sad, but I never met this teacher so I don't have much to mourn for.

Tomorrow is Saturday and the Rotary Club is having a party. I am going as are many of my friends. It will be really nice to get all dressed up and go to the party. It is supposed to be very large and a lot of fun. Next Thursday a group from the USA is coming to Loja. One of the members will be staying with us for two days. It's nice that the club here does so much. We are also still in the progress of making an English class for kids who need help. I will get the chance to teach that. Furthermore, Thanksgiving is this month. That day is very important to me especially since I am from Plymouth. The city where they held the first Thanksgiving. So for my Rotary Club I will be cooking a Thanksgiving dinner. I am excited to bring a part of the US here to these people. Very much looking forward to that.

Oh and on another note, my birthday is in 14 days. Exactly two weeks from today. The big 17. I must say I cannot wait. Especially since when I go home I will only have like 4 months until I turn 18. So exciting. I feel all grown up. Well that is all for now. I'll post more sometime soon. Remember feel free to E-mail me.