Monday, January 25, 2010

Wow, Was That 5?!

So this past weekend was a blast. Me and my host family went to Quito. I have never really gotten the chance to see Quito (Ecuador's Capital) so it was really a great experience.

Let's start off with last week. I must say it felt like it went by so slowly. It could not have been more boring. I have no idea why. On Wednesday my parents booked their flights to come visit me. My mom is forgetful and gave my Dad the wrong dates, but luckily they could change them. They will be here during April vacation in the USA. I am so excited to show them my new home and life. It will be an experience they will never forget. I am already planning all the things I want to do with them.

On Thursday was the big 5 month marker. It's amazing how fast time has just seemed to fly by. It also amazes me I have been away from home for so long. It seems like it was yesterday I was with them. Also Gizem's mom arrived in Boston to visit my family and her. It seems like they are having a really wonderful time. Sadly, Gizem's dad didn't get the chance to go as well, but it is still a really special treat to even have one family member visit.

Friday was a long day. Deffinitally the longest of the week. During school I helped Rita (our English teacher) set up everything for our Carlos Arrobo Carrion (creator of Liceo de Loja) play. His wife and children all came to watch. It was truly incredible and I really enjoyed it. Funny too how it was cold and rainy all week, but come time for the play it was hot and beautiful out. Not a cloud in the sky. I even got a little sunburnt. Oops. After school I went home. Surprisingly my older sister now likes my ex boyfriend. It's funny how she didn't know he's my ex boyfriend. And furthermore, once she found out, well she didn't really care. I am no longer talking to my sister or my ex boyfriend. I don't need the drama that Kaylah brings in to my life. I just need to have fun. SO although that upset me that my sister could do that to me, I am over it. After all that drama we took a plane ride to Quito. I must say Quito is a beautiful city, but mighty cold. I am very happy to live in the beautiful climate of Loja. As soon as we got off the plane we went to a Restraunt called Rusty's. It's a cheesburger restraunt made by an American. The food is absolutely incredible. I have to say I deffinitally left full. After dinner we went to Diego's Aunt's house. This cute little home would be our house for the weekend. I got aquianted with his family and then we all sat down for coffee. After coffee my "great aunts" showed me this beautiful old piano they had. It alo played music without pusing any buttons only peddaling. It was a lot of fun to see my host brothers and host dad getting to into it. By then it was around 930pm so my family and I went to downtown Quito. They showed me all of the antique buildings and the president's house. The structure is truely breath taking. I cant wait to take my parents there. After that we took a horse ride around Quito and finally strolled down a street with tons of tourists. I must say after a very long day I passed right out.

Saturday I went to the market to buy a sweater I had been looking for. It's ecuadorian made and absolutely breathtaking. I love all the stuff made in Ecuador. After the market I met up with two of my exchange friends Zoe and Coulter. My host brothers went to a Panda Concert and my host parents went to a graduation dinner. I ate so much food and for the first time since I have been here ate McDonalds. I have to say, I miss it SOOO much. We played games at the arcade and worked so hard we were all sweating afterwards. At night we went to see Muerte en la funeral. We weren't excited to see it, but it ended up being an absolutely hilarious movie. We couldn't stop talking about it after. After the movie ended, it was time for the night to end, but now I am planning to go back to Quito and visit my exchange friends. They are so great.

Sunday was my last day in Quito. We went out to lunch at this big castle looking place with Esteban, Felipe, Manolo (cousins), and some of Diegos friends. The food was good, but I couldn't believe what Ecuadorians eat; squid, and octopus. So gross. Afterwards, we said our goodbyes to Diego's aunts and headed to the airport. I started to feel sick and it was awful. We arrived home around 630. I still felt sick so I passed out.

Today I was still sick so I didn't go to school. I think it had something to do with the food I ate. I don't really know. Now I am feeling much better though so I am happy.

I cannot explain how lucky I am to have such a wonderful family. Everyone of them is so amazing and I love them. I can't imagine my year being any other way. I am so blessed and love how everything in my life is. I am just done with fake people, done with liars, and done with unloyal people. All I need in life are good hearted people. Oh and I almost forgot. Next week my "cousin" Ana comes back from Wisconson. I am exicted to finally have someone my own age that will be in Vilcabamba. 3 weeks till carnival too!!!! I'll write more later.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

145 Days and Counting

So everything here has been going very well. I just thought I'd write about some funny things that have happened in the last few days.

So first off the mail here is as slow as a snail. It takes nearly a lifetime to get even a card. My therapist sent me a Christmas card on the 14th of December and I just got it today (13th of December). I think I could have walked it here faster. Okay not really, but close I am sure. I am still waiting for the package my Aunt sent me right around the same time; however, I must have patience. It will get here eventually and I will be so excited when it does.

Secondly, school is just so much fun. Getting up at 6am is never an easy feat, but once I get to school it is well worth it. Today during English class our teacher did not come for the first hour. My class made a giant paper ball the size of my head. We tossed it around and made it a huge game. Only in Ecuador would we be standing on tables and just throwing a huge wad of paper at one another. Sometimes it would hit someone in the face, but they just laugh it off. At home it would be such a big deal. Another reason I love Ecuador.

Thirdly, I cant begin to explain how much I love people here. Sure some of them annoy me, but that's normal everywhere. However, there are people here who I know will always be a part of my life. My two best friends Ana Maria and Valeria are two of the most amazing and beautiful people I have ever met. Not to mention their families are equally as amazing. They continue to care for me like I am one of their own and feel so blessed to know such wonderful and spiritual people.

Fourthly (if I can say that), I am so excited for the next few months. Everything will be happening. This month we have a play about Juan Arrobo (the man who founded Liceo de Loja). It is in spanish, but only the narrators talk. Next month is Carnival and also Valentines day. Two very exciting days. It will be interesting to see how both are celebrated here. March is really only St. Patrick's Day, but I do not believe that is celebrated here. It isn't a huge holiday in the USA either, but I do long Roast beef and cabbage. I also believe that I will be going to the Amazon with my host family since i decided not to go with the Rotary Club. In April it will be chaotic. I will go to the galapagos, my parents will come visit me, we have vacation, and lastly Lily and Diego will be going to Switzerland for 3 weeks. It is going to be difficult to plan it all. In May we have our play in English about Moses. We are currently planning it out because it will be a modern version. May I will also be spending a lot of time with friends going to my last parties and saying goodbye to everyone. Then June 1st I will be back in the United States. So much to do and it seems like theres no time to do it, but I am throughly excited.

Lastly, As of today I have been here 145 days. I cant honestly say I can't believe it. In just 8 days it will be my 5 month mark. Time is flying by so fast. When I first got here I was like this s going to be a long year, but I was so wrong. I remember saying to my host parents, wow in two days it will be one month. That was shocking. Now here I am 4 months later and it feels like time is going faster than ever. With 145 days down, that also means I am past my half way point. I will be home in 139 days. I thought the last 5 months flew by; I think I am in for a surprise. Especially since theses are the months everything happens.

Feel free to write me :) my email is in the about me section!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

2010 Here We Come

So the days and hours continue to fly by. I can't believe in less than 2 weeks it will be 5 months. It is just amazing to me how fast the time goes by and how each day I feel myself leaving a little more of my heart here. I cannot explain how much I love being here in this beautiful place I currently call home. I know I will surely miss it when I leave.

So after Christmas everything just became so perfect. I cannot even explain it. On New Years I stayed with my best friends Ana Maria and Valeria. I went to their grandparents house to eat dinner and do the New Year Festivities. The food was so delicous. We ate turkey, salad, potatoe caserole, and other delicous foods I do not know the name of. After dinner we all sang and danced and I put a pillow in my dress and danced around with the Old Year doll. At midnight the festivities began. Here in Ecuador they buy a doll that looks like someone they dislike and burn it. They then jump over the burning doll in order to burn the past and jump to the future. After they jump the doll they then eat 12 grapes for health. At the end everyone wishes each other a Happy New Year. At around 1am the parties in Ecuador begin. Everyone here went to the Cadillac party. It was absolutely huge and so much fun. We all danced and just had a blast. The party ended at around 8am. We then went home and slept for the rest of the day.

After New Years I went to Vilcabamba with my family for the weekend. We sang and danced and watched plenty of movies. It was really nice to be able to hang out swim and tan. I also found the place where I want to take my senior photos when my dad got here. Its absolutely beautiful and represents Ecuador so well. It is very important to me that my senior photos capture the beauty of this place I now call home.

On Monday I went back to school. I love my school just not getting up at 6am. Totally makes it a bummer. However, once I get there it is more enjoyable. On Tuesday I was given the News my grandmother had gone into a coma. I knew she wouldnt wake up and I just hoped that god soon would take her. At 10pm Tuesday night, god answered my prayers. My grandmother passed away and went with the angels. It was a very hard day for me and I couldnt help, but crying. She was such a beautiful person.

My Dad flew out to Colorado yesterday to be with my mother. It is a very difficult time for my family and especially my mom who loved her mother so dearly. Today her ceramony will be held. I wrote a poem for my mom to read at the funeral and I am currently thinking of my mother and whole family. I love being in Loja. It's so close to the stars and I personally believe the stars connect everyone. They connect people who are far from you, people you haven't seen in a long time and people who have passed away. Everytime I feel sad about my grandmother, I look at the sky and know I am close to her and that I will see her again someday. We can only look forward. I know she will always watch over me. This is the poem I wrote for her:

An Angel On Earth

When I was little I used to Imagine Angels

I imagined these beautiful girls,

Dressed in white gowns,

Halos floating above their long silky hair

And breathtaking wings that helped them watch over the world.

However, over the years I have learned

That Angels come in many different forms

Sure some are as I imagined and look over us from heaven

But if you are ever so lucky you will find one on earth

One that looks the same as you and me

But has a heart of pure love

I suppose I must be very lucky

Because I got the chance to know and love

The most beautiful angel that ever lived

She was a woman who lived her life loving other

s And looking out for everyone else

A task most others could not accomplish

She may not have lived next door all my life

But she was always apart of it

She would call, write, send pictures, and visit

Just to ensure I lived a healthy and happy life

She has always been my guardian angel

My Grandmother

A woman who would find joy in the simplest things

A woman who would ask about your life and truly take an interest

A woman who never needed technology

But only nature to keep her busy

A woman who no matter how astray her life went

Always had a strong belief in God

So now it is time for that Angel on Earth to transcend

It is time for her to leave this world

And watch over me from above

Where she can guide me using the stars

That have always kept us close,

And give me the faith in god she has always had

My Grandma was an angel on earth & now it is time for her to be an angel of god. I love you

Grandma.You will forever hold a special place in my heart.

I will write soon. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.