So this past weekend was a blast. Me and my host family went to Quito. I have never really gotten the chance to see Quito (Ecuador's Capital) so it was really a great experience.
Let's start off with last week. I must say it felt like it went by so slowly. It could not have been more boring. I have no idea why. On Wednesday my parents booked their flights to come visit me. My mom is forgetful and gave my Dad the wrong dates, but luckily they could change them. They will be here during April vacation in the USA. I am so excited to show them my new home and life. It will be an experience they will never forget. I am already planning all the things I want to do with them.
On Thursday was the big 5 month marker. It's amazing how fast time has just seemed to fly by. It also amazes me I have been away from home for so long. It seems like it was yesterday I was with them. Also Gizem's mom arrived in Boston to visit my family and her. It seems like they are having a really wonderful time. Sadly, Gizem's dad didn't get the chance to go as well, but it is still a really special treat to even have one family member visit.
Friday was a long day. Deffinitally the longest of the week. During school I helped Rita (our English teacher) set up everything for our Carlos Arrobo Carrion (creator of Liceo de Loja) play. His wife and children all came to watch. It was truly incredible and I really enjoyed it. Funny too how it was cold and rainy all week, but come time for the play it was hot and beautiful out. Not a cloud in the sky. I even got a little sunburnt. Oops. After school I went home. Surprisingly my older sister now likes my ex boyfriend. It's funny how she didn't know he's my ex boyfriend. And furthermore, once she found out, well she didn't really care. I am no longer talking to my sister or my ex boyfriend. I don't need the drama that Kaylah brings in to my life. I just need to have fun. SO although that upset me that my sister could do that to me, I am over it. After all that drama we took a plane ride to Quito. I must say Quito is a beautiful city, but mighty cold. I am very happy to live in the beautiful climate of Loja. As soon as we got off the plane we went to a Restraunt called Rusty's. It's a cheesburger restraunt made by an American. The food is absolutely incredible. I have to say I deffinitally left full. After dinner we went to Diego's Aunt's house. This cute little home would be our house for the weekend. I got aquianted with his family and then we all sat down for coffee. After coffee my "great aunts" showed me this beautiful old piano they had. It alo played music without pusing any buttons only peddaling. It was a lot of fun to see my host brothers and host dad getting to into it. By then it was around 930pm so my family and I went to downtown Quito. They showed me all of the antique buildings and the president's house. The structure is truely breath taking. I cant wait to take my parents there. After that we took a horse ride around Quito and finally strolled down a street with tons of tourists. I must say after a very long day I passed right out.
Saturday I went to the market to buy a sweater I had been looking for. It's ecuadorian made and absolutely breathtaking. I love all the stuff made in Ecuador. After the market I met up with two of my exchange friends Zoe and Coulter. My host brothers went to a Panda Concert and my host parents went to a graduation dinner. I ate so much food and for the first time since I have been here ate McDonalds. I have to say, I miss it SOOO much. We played games at the arcade and worked so hard we were all sweating afterwards. At night we went to see Muerte en la funeral. We weren't excited to see it, but it ended up being an absolutely hilarious movie. We couldn't stop talking about it after. After the movie ended, it was time for the night to end, but now I am planning to go back to Quito and visit my exchange friends. They are so great.
Sunday was my last day in Quito. We went out to lunch at this big castle looking place with Esteban, Felipe, Manolo (cousins), and some of Diegos friends. The food was good, but I couldn't believe what Ecuadorians eat; squid, and octopus. So gross. Afterwards, we said our goodbyes to Diego's aunts and headed to the airport. I started to feel sick and it was awful. We arrived home around 630. I still felt sick so I passed out.
Today I was still sick so I didn't go to school. I think it had something to do with the food I ate. I don't really know. Now I am feeling much better though so I am happy.
I cannot explain how lucky I am to have such a wonderful family. Everyone of them is so amazing and I love them. I can't imagine my year being any other way. I am so blessed and love how everything in my life is. I am just done with fake people, done with liars, and done with unloyal people. All I need in life are good hearted people. Oh and I almost forgot. Next week my "cousin" Ana comes back from Wisconson. I am exicted to finally have someone my own age that will be in Vilcabamba. 3 weeks till carnival too!!!! I'll write more later.