Monday, February 22, 2010

6 Months... Are You Sure?

Well this past Sunday marked my 6th month here. Shocked is not even the correct word for how I feel. Time just flies by so fast it's incredible. I now only have 98 days left till I wil be back in Plymouth, MA and I have 54 days till my wonderful Mom and Dad will be down here in Ecuador.

So in the past week or so not that much has really happened. I went to the Discoteca (club) on Friday with my friends from the Tecnico. They are so much fun and really great people. I enjoyed getting to know them better as well as just dancing and letting go. I find that I really do love to dance. It's a light do whatever kind of feeling. Spanish music is so beautiful as well. I really love finding all types of new stuff. The night went really well and I realized I have so many wonderful friends. I really am going to miss Loja when I have to leave.

Furthermore, in the past week I realized that I don't like a lot of things about society. I don't like people are so judgemental, they talk about other people's lives, and they just act without thinking. I wanted to just change it all, but then I realized I do a lot of things I do not like. How can you throw stones living in a glass house. It's just dangerous. So I realized that I need to change myself before I can expect the world to change and even if I can't change the world atleast I can hold myself to higher standards. I really want to be a better person. I want to live my life in a healthy way both mentally and physically. The drama is just overwhelming and unnecesary, not to mention drama just hurts people who are truly good people or are people who are having rough times. I'm working on it. One step at a time.

Today, my mom just got back from the Domincan Republic. She had such a wonderful time visiting my sister, even though she was sick at first (my mom). I got the chance to talk to my mom today about all the wonderful stuff she did with my sister Ashley. My mom also got to meet my sister's Domincan boyfriend and their parents. My mom loves her boyfriend Jose and thinks he is such a great guy. He must be because I know my sister is very picky and she is happy so I am happy. My sister Ashley is such a beautiful person she deserves the best. I hope that she will be home when I g home, or well atleast be visiting this summer.

While webcamming with my mom I asked for a camera since my first one someone at school broke, the second one my host parents bought for me, someone stole so I am now cameraless and I would really love to have a camera my last month here with all of my goodbyes and what not. So they agreed and I get a new camera when they come to visit me. My parents are the best. So thoughtful and they always help me out sooo much. I also hope my dad will get the time to paint my room purple before I go home. It would be a lovely surprise, but I also know my dad is very busy. I'll cross my fingers because I hate painting and wouldn't like to do it when I get home.

Lastly, I also talked to my mom about the spreading of my grandmother's ashes. As you know, my grandmother passed away in January. However, my grandmother wished for her ashes to be spread in a meadow near her house overlooking a mountain. In order to do this, we must wait until the summer. I believe that my parents want to take another cross country trip to go out there and see my uncle in California. However, I don't think I can take off so much time from work. I am going to need a job so badly, but I most deffinitaly plan on going for the ashes, just not sure about how well we can work out the whole driving around the other parts of the country as well. I guess time will tell.

Well I am off for now. Time to get ready for school tomorrow. Again feel free to add me on facebook or write me. If you add me on facebook, please send me a message letting me kno who you are. Thanks.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

What a Beautiful Place

So another week has passed and yet I am that much closer to heading home. Although it is days like today that are going to make me miss Loja so much.

I know that sometimes I get upset here, and sometimes I just feel like packing up and going home, but I think everyone feels like that no matter what. However, today really showed just how amazing and really caring the people I know here are. It all started about two months ago when the biology teacher Angelica quit. There were some family problems, although we weren't sure of what. We also heard that Gladys, the school's director and Angelicas older sister, would be quitting at the end of the year. It was sad news, yet we couldn't really do much about it. However, yesterday Gladys, and Jose Vinico, the schools other director and chemistry teacher and Angelica's wife, quit. They did not tell any students, but some parents found out about it. This news was emotionally devestating for the students. Especially the seniors who have been with these people for 18 years now. They didn't want some new women taking over Glady's position, nor did they want someone else to hand them their diplomas (the new director will be their other sister Sorayah). So today our class had to go support our classmate Veronica in a poem competition. She did great and won second place. We were all so proud. Although we were happy for a moment, our mind went directly back to Gladys. Our class created chants and songs for them on the way back to the school. As we entered the school we sang the song as loud as we could and entered the center of the it. We Sang:
De dia vivire vistiendo la amarilla de noche a la Gladys le voy a cantar seras tu para mi lo mejor de este te vas.. t juro q t seguire! vas a ser por siempre el birector josesito te llevo en el corazon! gritare con orgullo que un dia fui tu alumno..el profe mas torcuato del Ecuador! GLADYS, JOSE, ANGELICA! si...empre en el corazon de los liceinoos! los keremos y los vamos a extrañar!
Classes began to empty as they came to join us. The whole school sat there and protested. Jose and Angelica were both at the school retrieving their things. We went all out and sang to them. However, we were not going to move till Gladys came. We sat in the extremely hot sun for about three hours until Diego, our classmate, and his mother went to get Gladys. When she came everyone went nuts and surrounded the car. Our class president gaver her a speach and then she gave one. It was so touching and so beautiful. Gladys, Jose, Angelica, and their other brother Miguel, who supports the three, all joined us and said something. At the end every single person was crying, heck I was crying. We all waited in line to hug them all and it was truely so touching. The three also promised to attend the graduation. Being there made me realize that these people didn't care about getting punished. They wanted these people who have affected their lives so much to know how much they meant to them. I truely felt extremely honored to have been apart of it all. Now tomorrow we don't have school either because of all the comotion.

Well since all the comotion I am now looking forward to Carnival. The weekend has finally arrived. It feels like just yesterday I was talking about Carnival, but ha that was back in November. Time is truely flying by. I have to get prepared to be soaked and also egged. Ew eggs, but I hear they do wonders for your hair :D. I have heard all about Carnival, but hearing about something and actually experiencing it, is so different. I seriously cannot wait to go to Vilcabamba this weekend and have a great time with my family and friends. I'll have to write all about it when I get back.

On Tuesday, my package finally came. It had been almost 2 months. However, I was so excited. My Aunt Carol & Uncle Bill, being the amazing people they are were so generous. They always go above and beyond for everyone. A box of nerds, and card would have suficed, but they did so much more and I am so appreciative. I am truely a very very lucky person to have them in my life. I don't know what I would do without them. I am so excited to see them when i get back and just give them a big hug. It will be nice to just relax and get to spend time at the beach. My Aunt also had surgery this week, so please keep her in your prayers. Thanks.

My mom is going to the Dom Rep this weekend to visit my sister Ashley. I am so excited for her. I feel like she really needs to do this for herself. I know my sister is looking forward to seeing her as well. It's funny because a flight to Santiago, the city where my sister lives, costs $800 right now. However, since I am not so smart, I thought she lived in Santo Domingo. Well lucky for my mom flights to Santo Domingo right now only cost about $440 and a bus ride to Santiago is about $5. So crazy, which is a good lesson to all. Check all airports around the other city. My dad went to NYC yesterday with Bonna, his mom and my grandmother. Today they are going to a broadway play. I am really excited for him. He is so much fun and I know he and my grandma will have a wonderfull time together.

Oh and at home it has been snowing a lot lately. Ha I find that amusing. Well atleast they're safe, but cold. I like when they're cold. It makes me enjoy being here more.

I will write more soon. Just have so many things to do. I think I might go see Inglorious Bastards tonight with Santiago. Wow it's crazy. Time is just flying by. Again please feel free to write me.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Less than 4 Already.

I really just can't believe that in less than 4 months I will be back at home. Time is really flying by and I honestly don't mind that.

It's amazing, Carnival is in two weeks and we are already preparing. Kids in the streets are throwing waterballoons and eggs. Not to wonderful if you ask me, but hey what you can you do. Actually, I had someone drop a waterbomb on me but luckily it didn't pop. I also learned that after Carnival we don't eat meat on Fridays until Easter. Here they don't celebrate Easter either. They're killing me. Their giving up meat is like our giving up soda, or chocolate, or something we really like. The same type of sacrafice. I have to say though, am excited to see what Carnival is like. I also remember, Carnival is the same day as Mardi Gras. Interesting.

Other than Carnival, I have been having the wierdest dreams lately. It's repeated too. I keep dreaming that I have gone home early and that I am really happy to be home, until I ask my mom to go out and she says I can't leave the house for a month and then I want to come back. I don't know what that means, but oh well it's funny. Lately I have also put on like 5 pounds. I can still fit in my pants, but not comfortably like before. I think I know why though. Here they eat a large breakfast, a large lunch, and almost no dinner. However, at home I barely eat breakfast, have a small lunch, and usually just east a snack later. I really don't have all that much hunger after school here, but I feel rude not eating here. So I need to have a talk with my host parents this week about that.

I still don't feel homesick although I do find myself missing more things. For one I miss my little doggy. Okay so she's not so little, but I miss her. She is so cute. I also miss my brothers and how funny they are, but mostly my parents. I am counting down the days till I see them. I miss Ryan too. The guy I was talking to before I left. It's funny how he was like the one guy I really enjoyed just hanging out with and talking. I could tell him everything. I still skype with him and I can't wait to go home and spend more time with him. I also got great news that my greant aunt sharon and great uncle eloy will be in plymouth when I get home, so I will get to spend time with them. Furthermore, Mom is taking the day off when I get home so we can be together. I will hopefully get my permit that day and go job searching!

Although everything has been going well here, there are so many things that annoy me here as well. One of the biggest problems for me is the schooling here. The teachers teach so plainly and boringly. Never any projects, never group discussions, litterally nothing exciting. All they ever do is take notes; day after day. So boring. How can you learn like that. Another thing is they never get homework and when they do they ALWAYS complain. If they don't do their homework their is always the excuse I had math and history to do. I didn't have time. And when a teacher is talking they continue to talk. They have no respect for teachers because they do not have punishments. If you don't do homework or talk back to a teacher they can't do anything. How is that possible? These kids are all rich, have never worked for anything and literally do not care. It's angering. I wish they could see how other people lived.

Another thing is that here in Loja people don't like different. Many are very closed minded people who don't like people or things unlike what they know. I hear all the time; don't do this, you can't say that, or don't wear that. It feels so contricting. Also okay I understand them warning me, but after one time of telling me if I continue to do that, it's my problem. They want me to do what they do, but that's not who I am. I am different and out there. I just wish they could open their eyes and have more tolerance. However, I think everyone in this world needs more tolerance. You can't judge someone or someplace you don't know or have never been too. You just can't. I wish I could show people. Show them how to open up and accept others and not judge. I personally am working on that. Not judging people and making up with people I have hurt. I recently wrote a girl a message I know I'd hurt and told her I was sorry for hurting her, becuase I wasn't happy with myself. I want to be a better person and I think being here is really helping me do that.

Oh and one thing I also have yet to mention is the indigenous people here. They are everywhere. It's incredible to see them. They are so tiny and wear hats they made along with clothing they hand made. Both men and women have long hair in which they put in braids. It's so interesting. They work for barely no money, so the children do not go to school and have no education. The people need a lot of help, but not many people give it. It's sad because these people want to live their lives old fashionedly but it's not really possible. They need medicine to protect them from diseases and food and clean water to live. However, now adays the indigenous people nearly have nothing. It is so awful and sad.

Well that's all for now. I will write more again soon. Oh and almost forgot. I finally met my "cousin" Anita. She brought me Reeses and Twizzlers yum. She is such a sweet girl and so beautiful. I look forward to spending more time with her.