Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Less than 4 Already.

I really just can't believe that in less than 4 months I will be back at home. Time is really flying by and I honestly don't mind that.

It's amazing, Carnival is in two weeks and we are already preparing. Kids in the streets are throwing waterballoons and eggs. Not to wonderful if you ask me, but hey what you can you do. Actually, I had someone drop a waterbomb on me but luckily it didn't pop. I also learned that after Carnival we don't eat meat on Fridays until Easter. Here they don't celebrate Easter either. They're killing me. Their giving up meat is like our giving up soda, or chocolate, or something we really like. The same type of sacrafice. I have to say though, am excited to see what Carnival is like. I also remember, Carnival is the same day as Mardi Gras. Interesting.

Other than Carnival, I have been having the wierdest dreams lately. It's repeated too. I keep dreaming that I have gone home early and that I am really happy to be home, until I ask my mom to go out and she says I can't leave the house for a month and then I want to come back. I don't know what that means, but oh well it's funny. Lately I have also put on like 5 pounds. I can still fit in my pants, but not comfortably like before. I think I know why though. Here they eat a large breakfast, a large lunch, and almost no dinner. However, at home I barely eat breakfast, have a small lunch, and usually just east a snack later. I really don't have all that much hunger after school here, but I feel rude not eating here. So I need to have a talk with my host parents this week about that.

I still don't feel homesick although I do find myself missing more things. For one I miss my little doggy. Okay so she's not so little, but I miss her. She is so cute. I also miss my brothers and how funny they are, but mostly my parents. I am counting down the days till I see them. I miss Ryan too. The guy I was talking to before I left. It's funny how he was like the one guy I really enjoyed just hanging out with and talking. I could tell him everything. I still skype with him and I can't wait to go home and spend more time with him. I also got great news that my greant aunt sharon and great uncle eloy will be in plymouth when I get home, so I will get to spend time with them. Furthermore, Mom is taking the day off when I get home so we can be together. I will hopefully get my permit that day and go job searching!

Although everything has been going well here, there are so many things that annoy me here as well. One of the biggest problems for me is the schooling here. The teachers teach so plainly and boringly. Never any projects, never group discussions, litterally nothing exciting. All they ever do is take notes; day after day. So boring. How can you learn like that. Another thing is they never get homework and when they do they ALWAYS complain. If they don't do their homework their is always the excuse I had math and history to do. I didn't have time. And when a teacher is talking they continue to talk. They have no respect for teachers because they do not have punishments. If you don't do homework or talk back to a teacher they can't do anything. How is that possible? These kids are all rich, have never worked for anything and literally do not care. It's angering. I wish they could see how other people lived.

Another thing is that here in Loja people don't like different. Many are very closed minded people who don't like people or things unlike what they know. I hear all the time; don't do this, you can't say that, or don't wear that. It feels so contricting. Also okay I understand them warning me, but after one time of telling me if I continue to do that, it's my problem. They want me to do what they do, but that's not who I am. I am different and out there. I just wish they could open their eyes and have more tolerance. However, I think everyone in this world needs more tolerance. You can't judge someone or someplace you don't know or have never been too. You just can't. I wish I could show people. Show them how to open up and accept others and not judge. I personally am working on that. Not judging people and making up with people I have hurt. I recently wrote a girl a message I know I'd hurt and told her I was sorry for hurting her, becuase I wasn't happy with myself. I want to be a better person and I think being here is really helping me do that.

Oh and one thing I also have yet to mention is the indigenous people here. They are everywhere. It's incredible to see them. They are so tiny and wear hats they made along with clothing they hand made. Both men and women have long hair in which they put in braids. It's so interesting. They work for barely no money, so the children do not go to school and have no education. The people need a lot of help, but not many people give it. It's sad because these people want to live their lives old fashionedly but it's not really possible. They need medicine to protect them from diseases and food and clean water to live. However, now adays the indigenous people nearly have nothing. It is so awful and sad.

Well that's all for now. I will write more again soon. Oh and almost forgot. I finally met my "cousin" Anita. She brought me Reeses and Twizzlers yum. She is such a sweet girl and so beautiful. I look forward to spending more time with her.

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