Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Good-bye Ecuador

Well the time went by faster than I had thought. I now only have 5 days left till I am back at home. I cannot believe my Exchange has just about ended.

I have been really up and down lately with my emotions. Sometimes I am so excited to go home. I find myself wishing time would go faster, so that I can be home and be with all my family and friends. However, I also find myself getting really sad because I don't want to leave the new life I have made for myself. Yet, I know that this part of my life has ended and I am ready to move on.

It has really started to set in that I ham going home. Last Friday I had my going away party. It was a lot of fun. I invited everyone I have become friends with here, and a friend from the exchange program as well. We all partied and I got to say good-bye to all my friends here. I had them all sign a big Ecuadorian flag so that I can hang it up in my room when I get home.

Saturday I spent my day at home with Matthew. It was nice and really just relaxing. We hung out and didn't do anything. At night we watched the Celtics kick butt, then we went out to the Pipas with Ana Maria, Valeria, and Ma Vane. It was a lot of fun. Plus I enjoyed that I got the chance to see my friends more.

Sunday we went to Vilcabamba. We swam in the pool all day and Just enjoyed our time. At the end of the day I was bummed out. I had to say good-bye to my farm house and also to all my family there. I found myself close to tears as I gave them each a big hug. Sarita gave me the biggest hug and almost wouldn't let go. It was really touching. Later we went home and hung out with Ana Maria again. I love her so much. She is such a beautiful person, inside and out.

Monday Matthew went home. It was good, I was getting really agitated with him. However, that always happens with people who aren't family. During the day I went walking and just had a nice day. The rest of the week so far I have just had school. Boring.

Friday is my last day of school here in Ecuador. "Sigh". We are going to have a picnic in class. Friday night I will go out with the girls for one last hoorah. Saturday is family day and I will be spending the day with the family and watching movies. Sunday is Lily and Diego's 23rd wedding Aniversary. So for my last day here they will be deciding what we do here. Sunday night I will go in bus to Guayaquil. Then stay over night in Guayaquil for my last night in Ecuador before I am back to good old Plymouth, MA.

I am sad to leave because I have done so much here, and learned so much, but it is time to go home.

Oh and I almost forgot. My friend Jose Roberto is going with me to Boston. I am really excited that he will go with me so I will have something to do at home while my friends are all in school. Plus it will give me more Spanish practice. Yay! I won't go home alone <3

Well the story doesn't end here. Just a new chapter begins. I have learned so much and become a much better person. Thank you Ecuador. Thank you Loja.

To All my friends here in Ecuador. You are the most amazing people. You will always have a place in my heart. No matter what.

Until Next time Ecuador.. Hasta la Vista. Los quiero demasiado.

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